Patricia M. Williams, PhD, DABT
Environmental Toxicology Experts, LLC
63 Walnut Place
Covington, Louisiana 70433
cell: 504-915-1817
- Board certification: Diplomate of the American Board of Toxicology 2006-2011; 2012-2016, 2017-2021; 2022-2026.
- Tulane University, School of Medicine, Department of Anatomy, Ph.D., 1983. Major: Anatomy; Minor: Biochemistry
- Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge; M.S. in Microbiology, 1975
- Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge; B.S. in Medical Technology, 1966
- Board Certified by the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, 1966, #56466
- Laboratory Director – CLIA Certification 19D0898394 (1993-2005)
- Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners: Clinical Laboratory Scientist-Generalist, Louisiana License Number: G00023
Specialty Areas of Testimony and Experience:
- Drugged and Drunk Driving civil litigation (defense and plaintiff expert)
- Toxic Tort Litigation
- Criminal Court (prosecution and defense expert)